
Why Employee Benefits are Important?

                                                                                                Source : (2018) In modern world concept it is important to handed employee benefits since employees not only consider over the salary consideration. But is also understood that there are prominent need of potential employee of company on the address of benefits in non-monitory aspects as well inclusive of health care facilities, working hour facilities, office environment etc... Following are discussed about reasons of offering employee benefits:                                                                                                                 Source : (2018)  Increased Engagement What company doesn’t want employees who are highly engaged? Highly engaged employees are happier, more productive and more likely to become brand ambassadors. Numerous studies have shown the connection between employee benefits and engagement. Benify conducte

Information Technology in Human Resources

                                                                                                      Source : (2013) HR technology can improve the management of HR and so contribute to the organization’s competitive advantage. It is now established that the benefits of the use of technology far outweigh the benefits of just engaging in traditional practices of HR. For example, software companies like Microsoft, Satyam Computers and Infosys have been performing most of their HR management (HRM) online. Technology has increased and access made readily available of HR information; improved communication; improved the speed at which HRM transactions and information are gathered; and reduced costs making it easier to administer HRM functions, such as recruitment, training, and performance management.   Survey evidence showed that firms using technology, and especially information technology, are listed in the Fortune 500 firms. The majority of these firms have i

The impact of organizational culture on success

                                                                                                                           Source : (2021) Organizational culture is generally understood as all a company’s beliefs, values and attitudes and how these influence the behavior of its employees. Culture affects how people experience an organization-that is, What it’s like for a customer to buy from a company or a supplier to work with it. It Shows up in company policies such as dress code and office hours. It also informs things such as work place design and employee perks. Culture is usually set by a company’s leaders. Companies don’t tend to define their cultures explicitly, they tend to emerge from what people believe, how they think, what they say and what they do. Culture shapes what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable. Culture may help define values and core principles that guide organizational behavior.     Typically. Companies with a strong culture tend to produce

Training and Development in HRM

                                                                Source : (2020) The difference between Training and Development Today, the vast majority of employers use "Training and Development" as a single, all- encompassing term. In doing so, they mistakenly presume that training and development are one and the same thing. In realty, there are key differences that are important to understand. particularly if looking to get the very best out of every member of the workforce, or perhaps take your own career projects to the next level. Training      First up, training is defined as the process of instilling candidates with the necessary skills to allow them to perform a specific role. In a working example, a new comer to a restaurant may need to be trained on how to use the POS system, the coffee machine and the glass washer behind the bar. Just as soon as these core skills have been picked up, the individual in question is able to carry out a series of impo

Recruitment and selection

                                                                                                                 Source :  Recruitment and selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In short, recruitment and selection is the process of sourcing, screening, short listing and selecting the right candidates for the filling the required vacant positions. The scope of recruitment and selection. The scope of recruitment and selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations. Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right resources is the most important aspect of recruitment. Every company has its own pattern of recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures. The scope of recruitment and selection includes the following operations: Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources.  Preparing t

Performance Appraisal

                                                                                                                  Source : Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of the employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways. Performance appraisal involves managers and their staff members meeting on a one-on-one basis at regular intervals (at least annually) to discuss work performance in relation to: Execution of roles and responsibilities  The requirement of the organization and individuals' contribution to the achievement of the organization's objectives. Effective performance appraisal relies on clear performance standard being established and discussed with employees. Using these standards, appraisal involves: Observing the employee's work behavior and results and comparing them against the agreed standards. Evaluating job per

The impact of Covid - 19 on HR management and way forward

                                                                                                                    Source : Amidst the evolving situation of the Covid-19, companies are striving to mitigate business disruption as well as to ensure wellbeing of their employees. Undoubtedly, HR teams are now at the front line of each company during this unusual time. They are working non-stop to provide updated information and advice to senior leaders to facilitate decision making and to step up contingency plans and policies for staff to follow. (Robert Walters ) Biggest challenges of HR professionals. Mental Health and Wellbeing The sudden shift in work culture took a toll on overall employee health and wellbeing. Stress, anxiety and other mental health issues have always been there, and it is no new story. Organizations have always been initiating wellness programs and providing employees with security, health benefits and flexibility to help them to overcome th

How to Recognize Your Employees

                                                                                                              Source: (2020) Briefing of Employee Recognition Employee recognition is the acknowledgement of a company's staff for exemplary performance. Essentially, the goal of employee recognition in the workplace is to reinforce particular behaviors, practices or activities that result in better performance and positive business results. (Nikos Andriotis 2018) Why is employee recognition that important?   Recognition helps employees see that their company values then and their contributions to the success of their team and the company overall. This is particularly key when organizations grow or change. It helps employees build a sense of security in their value to the company, motivating them to continue great work. It stabilize the work place. It increases productivity. It improves team culture. It engenders trust between managers and employees. It lowers the emplo

Human Resource Planning & its Importance

                                                                                               Source : (2018) What is Human resource Planning? Human resources undoubtedly play the most important part in the functioning of an organization. the term "Resources" or "Human resources" signifies potential, abilities, capacities and skills which can be developed  through continuous interaction in an organizational setting. The interactions, interrelationships and activities performed all contribute in some way or other to the development of human potential, Organizational productivity, growth of companies and economic development are to a large extent contingent upon the effective utilization of human capacities. (P Dalvi 2017 ) Basic of Human Resource Planning    Work Force Forecasting Workforce forecasting, also known as workforce planning or labor forecasting, is the process used to predict whether or not an organization has adequate staffin

Employee Retention

  What is Employee Retention?                                                                                                               Source : (2021) Employee retention is the organizational goal of keeping talented employees and reducing turnover by fostering a positive work atmosphere to promote engagement, showing appreciation to employees, and providing competitive pay and benefits and healthy work life balance. Employers are particularly interested in retaining employees during periods of low unemployment and heightened competition for talent. ( Prachi Juneja 2015) To retain employees, organizations use human resources technology for recruiting, onboarding, engaging and recognizing workers and offer more work flexibility and modern benefits like physical and financial wellness programs.  Employee retention has become a major concern for corporates in the current scenario. Individual once being trained have a tendency to move to other organizations for bette