Performance Appraisal

                                                                                                                  Source :

Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of the employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways.

Performance appraisal involves managers and their staff members meeting on a one-on-one basis at regular intervals (at least annually) to discuss work performance in relation to:

  • Execution of roles and responsibilities 
  • The requirement of the organization and individuals' contribution to the achievement of the organization's objectives.

Effective performance appraisal relies on clear performance standard being established and discussed with employees. Using these standards, appraisal involves:

  • Observing the employee's work behavior and results and comparing them against the agreed standards.
  • Evaluating job performance and the employee's development potential.
  • Providing feedback to the employee
  • Acting on the result of the appraisal process, for example through promotion, reward and recognition, counselling, training, or in some cases termination.   

Performance appraisal is one of the most important factors in any organization and also a great tool used to record productivity. Every organization has to have goals and objectives established and every employee has to to be involved in the process. Also conducting a performance appraisal will improve productivity and also the morale of the employees. 

Appraisal are a positive way for a manager to let the employees know how well they are performing the duties that are assigned to them. 


Australian HR Institute. Performance management (2018) ahriassist/performance-management (Online) Available at Accessed on 03rd May 2021       




  1. Performance appraisal today mostly concentrate quantitative aspects while giving less importance to qualitative outcomes. It's the volumes organizations talk about when evaluating people but not the quality of service they provide. Whilst it's true that we cannot calculate qualitative aspects as we measure quantitative performances. But we need to devise proper systems to detect qualitative aspects too like customer complaints, effort made by staff to develop fellow staff etc.

    1. I'm totally agree with you, most of organizations considered only the quantative factors and neglect the qualitative factors. It would be a reason to demotivate the staff.

    2. I forgot to mention that there should be proper way to evaluate the quantitative factors too.

  2. Useful facts. thank you for posting valuable information

  3. Skill metrics is an index that measures the performance of employees in many organizations and can be viewed every three months.. so very creative article nadeesh.

  4. If you don't appraise properly, it would be badly affected to the organization.

  5. Can organizations improve their productivity with performance appraisals.

    1. Yes, performance appraisal is a way to motivate people, when there are motivated people in organization, productivity will increase automatically

  6. Organizations as well as employees are also having their own vision.

  7. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to evaluate how well an employee performs her job duties and tasks, her supervisory and leadership capabilities and other soft skills, and how well she manages workplace relationships and conflict resolution.

  8. To win the market, organizations have to win first their employees. Hence the appraisal must be in correct path

  9. Teams are the main building blocks of organizations, and HR practices as performance management should become more team focused.

  10. Summarized and worth to read article

  11. Performance appraisals provide a forum where employees can discuss their past performance and future development opportunities

  12. Yes employees can identify their weaknesses

  13. Effective performance appraisal relies on clear performance standard being established and discussed with employees

  14. Performance appraisal helps to keep a record of each employee's job performance, including what efforts they have made and what have they achieved

  15. Proper communication of what expecting for a evaluation period by the superior is important to mitigate the tense situation in the process of appraisal.also continues and periodical reviewing of the KPIs of the employees is a must to mitigate employee dissatisfaction .any thots about it sir

    1. Agreed, there should be a proper evaluation

  16. Appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated


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