The impact of Covid - 19 on HR management and way forward


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Amidst the evolving situation of the Covid-19, companies are striving to mitigate business disruption as well as to ensure wellbeing of their employees.

Undoubtedly, HR teams are now at the front line of each company during this unusual time. They are working non-stop to provide updated information and advice to senior leaders to facilitate decision making and to step up contingency plans and policies for staff to follow. (Robert Walters )

Biggest challenges of HR professionals.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The sudden shift in work culture took a toll on overall employee health and wellbeing. Stress, anxiety and other mental health issues have always been there, and it is no new story. Organizations have always been initiating wellness programs and providing employees with security, health benefits and flexibility to help them to overcome their health issues. But the sudden Covid - 19 outbreak has brought the employees' mental problems in the front seat.

Managing Remote Work 

The transaction to remote work culture is not as seamless as it seems. Before the Covid - 19 outbreak, less than 50% of companies had a remote work program. Banks, regulated industries and many financial services companies did not encourage remote working. Now almost all of them rushing to build remote work strategies.

Lack of Agility   

One of the major reasons why HR teams are struggling is due to the lack of agility.

Many HR teams are not designed for agility. And this affecting the HR professional big time. In this crisis, it is critical to respond fast and move quickly. But there are many approvals to take before taking action. This slows down the process of collecting data and take immediate measures that a crisis demands. To become more agile in their approach and re-prioritizing company goals and to have the right communication and alignment among middle management and executives is the need of the hour now.

Employee Communication

Communication is another major challenge that is on the priority list. Communication, itself is a critical aspect  that needs to be taken in to account whether or not the workforce is working remotely. Without the right communication channels, its become difficult to manage a workforce. The Covid - 19 crisis had the HR professionals on toes and kept them looking for the right remote working tools that suit their culture. though tools like Zoom or slack are commonly used to meet the needs of the workforce, it certainly is not enough to get everyone on the same page.

More or less the HR teams are doing their best by sharing

  • Updates regarding measures adopted by the organization.
  • Updates from business leaders via email or video.
  • Links to valuable external information sources.
  • Ongoing communication on HR policies related to the crisis.
  • And through health talks and training sessions.


Uncertainty can paralyze anyone. The daunting feeling of not knowing what the future hold or what measures to to take to sustain organizational operations are huge challenge. We all are more or less affected by uncertainty Employees are affected mentally, not knowing what the future holds for them, and the HR teams are struggling to put everything in alignment. To respond to the crisis and develop effective measures and and strategies for all.

Employee Engagement

The ultimate company goal is the productivity of its employees. It becomes challenging to keep the employees engaged when they are working remotely and that too, in a crisis. The internal communication is compromised and keeping everyone on the same page become tough. With remote working, it is difficult to follow a routing and even except and systematic workflow. When the teams are cross-functional, you have little power to manage them. Not updating them regularly or not arranging meetings/ sessions can impact their morale to a great extent.(Braja Deepon Roy 2021)

As we are all learning on the fly and dealing with uncertainty, the role of HR leaders to lead and create a sense of trust and security at your organization is more important than ever. It's important to slow down, accept the interruption of what it is, and take care of our people with empathy. We have to prioritize what's most important: the mental and physical health of our teams, and that all starts with listening. 


Robert walter (2020) initiatives-towards-COVID-19 (Online) Available at Accessed on 01st of May 2021.

Braaja Deepon Yoy (2021) Challanges of HR (Online) Available at Accessed on 01st may 2021.





  1. Covid 19 has posed a great challenge to HR. It's not a virus that impacts the computers but to humans/staff. This unprecedented challenge defines how companies adopt best HR practices by caring for the affected while ensuring daily operations. It's really challenging. However when employees feel that they are being looked faster in this kind of pandemic, it is likely to motivate them to come forward and shoulder their fellow staff members work too in this difficult times. So Covid has tuaght organizations to feel the pain of others and March forward with a strong ficus.

    1. This is new challenge to work together and the opportunity should be capitalized positively

  2. Useful facts. thank you for posting valuable information

  3. Most expected thing from employees side at this juncture is only the safety and wellbeing.

  4. When a pandemic, employee must be allowed to work from their home for their safety.

  5. Work from home can not be applied for all employments

  6. With the pandemic, all organizations have to change their traditional work plan.

  7. Some organizations are exploring new opportunities with the pandemic by looking in to the positive side of it.

    1. It must be to retain their position in the market

  8. Ultimately, the greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this together

  9. Now is the time for managers to look after the people who work with them.

  10. Every one must hang on this until the crisis is over.

  11. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we work and manage employees.

  12. Communication is another major challenge that is on the priority list

  13. Organizations should be ready to respond quickly and have their action plans prepared and also technological advancements support Work from Home in a significant way. It is because of technology available with us currently, one can easily connect with his/her work by staying at home

    1. Since there is no time to waste, organizations be quickly ready for that

  14. Proper man Power plan ,disaster management mechanism and the AI base communication would help to mitigate the risk of loosing the game

  15. Our current situation requires that we implement short-term, cost-saving measures to address the fiscal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    1. With the current situation, all are concerned on cost saving

  16. According to the current situation in the world Covid - 19 outbreak has brought the employees' mental problems in the front seat.

    1. Authorities must ensure the rehabilitation of employees meantal stability


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